I hold faith in God, the all-powerful Father,
the creator of the universe and all that is in it.
I also believe in Jesus Christ, His only child, our Savior,
who was conceived through the Holy Spirit,
and brought into this world by the Virgin Mary,
endured suffering under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, passed away, and was laid to rest.
He journeyed into the abyss.
After three days, He was resurrected from the dead.
He ascended to the heavens,
and is seated at the right side of the omnipotent Father.
From there, He will return to deliver judgment to the living and the deceased.
I hold faith in the Holy Spirit,
the sanctified Christian congregation,
the fellowship of the saints,
the absolution of sins,
the resurrection of our physical form,
and the eternal life that follows. Amen.