Building A Strong Congregation


1. Men have many ideas as to what makes for a strong congregation: Finances, numbers, influential people, etc.

2. Some think a congregation is strong because it has a strong social emphasis.

a. Presentations and programs which seem vital to the community and society in general.

b. The Lord’s church is to be spiritual in its emphasis.

3. The Bible presents several areas which need to be emphasized if a local church is going to be strong.

I. Strong Bible Teaching and Preaching

A. When the word is disseminated plainly, forcefully, uncompromisingly and yet kindly it will build up. (Ac 20:32)

B. The word must be preached. (2Ti 4:1-4)

C. The burden is not just on the preacher: All teachers, members must want to teach and be taught the truth of God.

II. Exemplary Leadership

A. Every group should be striving to be organized according to God’s plan: Elders, deacons and saints. (Php 1:1)

B. Elders are to lead by example. (1Pe 5:2-3)

C. Whether or not elders are in place, those who are older should set a good example for others. (Tit 2:2)

III. Holy Living on the Part of Every Member

A. The lives of those who claim to be following Christ must be consistent with their profession.

1. Should be living soberly, righteously and godly.
(Tit 2:11-12)

2. Not to be conformed to world. (Ro 12:1-2)

3. Their manner of life, walk, is plainly spelled out in Ephesians. Christians are to walk:

a. In good works. (Eph 2:10)

b. Worthy of the calling with which they were called. (Eph 4:1)

c. Not as the Gentiles. (Eph 4:17)

d. In love. (Eph 5:2)

e. As children of light. (Eph 5:8)

f. Circumspectly—carefully. (Eph 5:15)

B. The holy lives of Christians will light the way for others to come out of darkness. (Mt 5:16;
Php 2:14-16a)

IV. Congregational Warmth and Brotherly Love

A. The fellowship of the Lord’s church is to be precious, sweet and dear. (Ro 12:10; 1Pe 1:22; 1Jo 3:18)

B. Brotherly love among Christians ought to cause others to take notice. (Joh 13:34-35)

C. An atmosphere of happiness, friendliness, cordiality, hospitality ought always to be present: No visitor or stranger should ever come into our midst without being graciously greeted and welcomed by happy, friendly members who reach out to others and not just visit with friends.

D. Without this a congregation will never be what God would have it to be. (1Jo 2:8-11)

V. Compassionate Hearts

A. Those who comprise the church need to be known as the most tenderhearted people in the world.

B. They need to be moved with compassion to the needs and suffering around them. (Ga 6:1-2;
1Pe 3:8-12)

VI. An Attitude of Servitude

A. “How can I help” and/or “In what way can I serve” ought to be on the lips of every member.

B. Every Christian must come to a realization of the Lord’s purpose for His followers. (Tit 2:14; Ro 12:11)

C. Greatness in the Lord’s sight comes by serving.
(Mt 20:20-28)

VII. Evangelistic Fervor

A. The emphasis of the early church was soul-winning. (Ac 5:42; 8:1-4)

B. The church will grow spiritually and numerically when all of us develop a fervency in spirit to reach the lost and bring them to Christ.


1. As this church continues to function, let us never lose sight of the fact that by and large its strength depends on us as we depend on the Lord.

2. Let each of us endeavor to do all we can to lend as much as we can to this congregation so it will continue to grow and mature, to stand for the truth and to glorify God.